Monday, January 27, 2014

Charles Eubanks - Kaiju

When I think of gigantic, overgrown creatures, I don't need to look much further than my own dear cat Thaddeus.  If he were to emerge from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, he would not need to travel far to find his favorite dish.  And he would not be much larger than he already is.


Peter Hong said...

hah! great body language and wispy whiskers! the guy in the boat looks totally unsuspecting...

K. Marie Criddle said...

Oh, I love his expression; it's somewhere between "I could eat you" and "you amuse me enough to live another day." Cute!! Is Thad a Siamese mix?

Charles Eubanks said...

Heh, thanks guys! Marie: No, Thaddeus is not a Siamese mix (but the cat I drew here really does look Siamese, doesn't he?). Thaddeus is much more... chunky, I guess.