Thursday, February 16, 2012

Marie Criddle - Explorers

"Indiana? Let it go..."


Peter Hong said...

wow, marie, great job on perspective and shapes! she pops off the screen with life! is this from a character from an indiana jones movie?

Charles Eubanks said...

I agree, really great work! You totally nailed the foreshortening. And nice muscle definition in the other arm.

K. Marie Criddle said...

Thanks guys! I've been trying to work more on body poses lately, considering figure drawing was never my strong suit. There's a lot of SFW resources online, for sure!

And Peter, she's not really from the movie, but her pose reminded me of that scene at the end of Last Crusade, hence the tag. :D

Adam Heine said...

"But I can almost reach it. Just...a little...more..."

Jaqai said...

Rad right hand.