Sunday, April 29, 2012

Peter Hong - Steampunk

I must also confess ignorance on this topic. However, I've been watching a lot of Naruto, and thought this would be a cool variation of a frame i otherwise completely ripped off <blush>. steam-powered CHIDORI!!!


Charles Eubanks said...

Wow. I don't know what or who this is, but I just took a step back to avoid the lightning-y stuff!

Adam Heine said...

Steampunk Kakashi! STEAMPUNK KAKASHI!!!!!! *dies*

K. Marie Criddle said...

WOW. I'm always amazed at the dynamic poses of your characters, Peter! I can almost hear the crackling lightning.

Peter Hong said...

thanks, guys, but i can't rightfully take credit for the pose, or much of the lightning, since the only thing i changed is the arm. here's the original to prove it.