Monday, July 30, 2012

Topic for 7/30 to 8/5

Great Muppets, everyone!  Ah, such fond memories of watching the Muppet Show on TV...

This week's topic is out of this world -- literally!


And to get you pumped for this topic, here's a video about the new Curiosity Rover's "seven minutes of terror," which will take place next Sunday!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Marie Criddle - Muppets

I'm sorry in advance for the creepiness! I think I still have Comic-Con cosplay on the brain.

Charles Eubanks - Muppets

I was camping this weekend, so I didn't have access to my Cintiq.  But, as a wise Muppet once said, the show must go on!  Pencil on watercolor paper.

Side note: can anyone guess where I intentionally went off-model, and why?  Hint: it's not Fozzie's bow.  (That was unintentional, due to lack of reference.)

Friday, July 27, 2012

Adam Heine - Muppets

It's been a long time since I tried watercolor pencils (nine months, to be exact).

This Bob Ross remix was going through my head the entire time I did this. I think I'm in love with this song.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Topic for 7/23 to 7/29

Seriously, big thanks for Adam (and sons) for bringing it to our attention that dragons were sorely missing from Anthdrawlogy's repertoire. I think we done good. Ready for this week's challenge?


I have nothing more to add except:

Good luck!!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Peter Hong - Dragons

"Dude,'s 'cause you're Asian..."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Adam Heine - Dragons

I was too busy to really give this topic the justice it deserves. But here's what I came up with this morning.

He's kinda sorta a dragon from my WiP, except the ones in my head are way cooler.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Charles Eubanks - Dragons

The ubiquitous yet rarely seen pencil dragon.  See also: pen dragon.

In other news, that metal thingy that holds the eraser onto the end of the pencil is SUPER hard to draw.

Marie Criddle - Dragons

That cereal was not on fire when I set it down, young man.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Topic for 7/16 - 7/7/22

Oh yes, people.  We are in for a treat this week.  Thank you Adam for pointing out our obvious blind spot.  How could we not have picked this topic before?!?


Is that in our wheel house or what?  Don your asbestos undergarments, y'all.  This is going to be hawt.

Charles Eubanks - Favorite Books

Gosh dangit, this topic makes me wish I was a better illustrator.  Anyone else feel that way?  I mean, the pressure of drawing your FAVORITE characters?  Too much pressure.

Anyway, I've attempted this one before.  This updated version that features both titular characters.  The book is David and the Phoenix by Edward Ormondroyd, and I can't recommend it highly enough.  Just read it, you guys!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Marie Criddle - Favorite Books

One of my favorite books in the world, The Darkangel by Meredith Ann Pierce, has some pretty trite fantasy elements including but not limited to magic blades (so glamdringy), lion shaped god figures (Naaaaarnia), invisibility cloaks (Mischief managed!), bags of holding (carries +5 plot points) and a golden haired heroine with unusually colored eyes (but at least they're not violet).

Still, it's an AMAZING book and I love it as much today as I did the first time I read it. To my first fantasy role model, Aeriel of Avarra!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Adam Heine - Favorite Books

The book is STORMDANCER by Jay Kristoff. It's Japanese steampunk. With griffins.

I admit I'm slightly cheating this week. First, because I haven't read the whole book yet (only the first three chapters), so technically it cannot be my favorite book (but seriously, Japanese steampunk? That's like putting together bacon and bacon).

Second, because I'm using my Anthdrawlogy post as a bid for Jay's last ARC. So yeah, as if my attempt to get on Scott Westerfeld's blog wasn't bad enough, I have now completely sold out.

I regret nothing.

Here's the scene without text, if you want it.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Topic for 7/10 to 7/16

Great independence drawings, guys! Hope everyone keep the hot dogs to a maximum and firework injuries to a minimum this year. This week's topic is so near and dear to my heart, I just might have to do a few tries before I get it right. Ready for it?


A scene, a redesigned cover, a single character, you name, I mean draw it. Be sure to TELL us the book, we can be inspired to go read it with you!

Good luck!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Adam Heine - Independence

I got a lot of comments on this one from the boys, ranging from "Is that Buzz Lightyear's son?" to "That guy's cooler than Darth Vader's boss."

I'm pretty proud of that last one.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Peter Hong - Independence

Yup, I've been watching stuff like Tron Uprising and Ghost Rider. I wasn't thinking about them, but I'm  sure they inspired me. Tron is pretty good, but don't bother with Ghost Rider, although the special FX are pretty cool.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Topic for 7/2 to 7/8

Those clichés were a blast! I love me some word play.

This week, we explore a timely and universal topic:


Considering our little group's worldwide presence, feel free (ha!) to explore an interpretation other than the 4th of July!  And as always, have a BLAST!  (Heh, get it?  Like fireworks?  Ahem.  Never mind...)

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Charles Eubanks - Clichés

Snail mail!  My sincere apologies to all the mail carriers who have to endure this joke on a daily basis.