Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Peter Hong - Izanami's Choice

It's hard for me to choose between these two. I like the simplicity of this one:
But I also think the shading here adds some depth. Lines are there at the edge of the eyes that I'd rather leave out, though...

Adam Heine - Izanami's Choice

This is not technically accurate, because the main character of Izanami's Choice carries a folding sword, not a regular sword. But you know, whatever.

Oh, and if you want to buy the book (and have not done so already), there are links to pre-order it here!

Hey, who has next topic? Is it me or Charles?

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Marie Criddle - Izanami's Choice

So I jumped the gun and didn't realize that Adam's book wouldn't be out until September for perusal and inspiration, but I still went ahead and drew me up some Japanese robots. If it doesn't fit exactly what the robots in Izanami's Choice look like, I apologize...but I'm excited to read it in September!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Topic for June 2016

So hopefully we're all ready and hyped up for this month's topic and I probably should have cleared it with the relevant parties but...here we go anyways! As some of you may know (and I just learned this because what is facebook) Adam Heine is the author of a now published and honest-to-goodness out in the world BOOK! Cue muppet flailing: YAAAAYYY! To celebrate this, I've chosen as this month's topic...and I hope this is okay, Adam...


That's right, we're going for full on fanart up in this here house. Here's the summary via amazon:

Samurai Vs. Robots. Progress. Murder. Choice. In 1901, the Meiji Restoration has abolished the old ways and ushered in a cybernetic revolution. Androids integrate into society at all levels, following their programming for the betterment of every citizen, as servants, bodyguards, and bureaucrats. Jinzou are the future. Japan is at the threshold of a new tomorrow! As a ronin steeped in the old ways, Itaru wants nothing more to do with the artificial creations posing as human. But when a jinzou is suspected of murder, he's pulled into a mystery that could tear the nation apart. Malfunction or free will? When is a machine more than just a machine?

Also, other excerpts and Izanami thoughts can be found at Adam's website...AI! Samurai! Japan! Turn of the century aesthetics! What is not to love, SERIOUSLY? I'm so excited to get my hands on a copy. In the meantime, Adam, you don't HAVE to post anything because you wrote the thing, but I personally would love to see any sketches that went into the world. 

Congratulations, Adam!!