Sunday, April 27, 2014

Adam Heine - Opposite Hand

This was fascinating. It was interesting to see how much of my drawing skills come from my brain and how much from my body.

I copied a reference to make it easy on myself. I made myself erase with my left hand too (which made me somewhat reluctant to erase, it turns out). My left hand had no idea how to draw a straight line or even shade the simplest thing. I felt like a 3-year-old, but it was fun.


Charles Eubanks said...

Wow, this turned out amazingly good! Are you sure you're not ambidextrous?

Peter Hong said...

yeah, adam, great cap! i take it you liked the winter soldier movie? i erased lefty, too (was unsure whether we had to or not).

Adam Heine said...

Definitely not ambidextrous. If next week's challenge is "Draw the same thing you drew last week but with your correct hand" I'll show you ;-)

And yes, Winter Soldier was pretty awesome. I like how Marvel has basically subscribed me to watch EVERY SINGLE MOVIE just so I can keep up with what's going on.

Jaqai said...

Nice, man. I feel like you went bolder with shading than any one else who's posted thus far.

And I feel like a cheater on mine, no erasing required with a pen!

K. Marie Criddle said...

I found that the hardest too, the shading! You did an AMAZING job on this. I'd count it a good day to draw like this with my *right* hand!!