Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jaqai Mickelsen - Rocket Ships


Adam Heine said...

This totally makes me smile.

Charles Eubanks said...

Whoa, great pose! I always struggle with really dimensional stuff like this.

K. Marie Criddle said...

Ha! I love it. Your lines and colors are so sharp, it's really nice. Also, I'm wondering if the robot'll be thrilled or disappointed when it goes off...

Jaqai said...

Yeah, honestly - I kind of bit off a bit more than I could chew on this one. If you look at the dimensions stuff closely, it's a complete hack. (Knees that would actually function are for pansies.)

Also, I don't think there are enough visual cues to know that this guy is a rocket in robot form. And I totally wussed out on going the distance in rendering the color.

My eyes got bigger than my stomach!